Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Logo lovin'

I have said before that I think that all 3 of Fantasy Flights Star Wars role-playing games should have been released as one game with 3 distinct campaign settings.
Rather than talk (or rant depending on who you ask) more about that, instead I wanted to share another thought I had that was related.

I love graphic design and all things pretty, so.... If Fantasy Flight had chosen to release a single Star Wars role-playing game, with 3 distinct campaign settings, what could they have done for a logo or logos?

My first thought was to go with a retro look, then I did a some looking at images and decided I really like the Clone Wars logo box. I created this.

That was cool, but before I was even done with that (I finished it anyway obviously) I saw some other work that caught my eye. Now, I don't know who the original artist was or I would credit them for their inspiration (I tried to figure out who created this but came up empty handed). The original works can be seen here and here.  They were so pretty I decided to emulate them in style.
I created these and I love them.

That's all. I just wanted to share more of my creations with you all.
feel free to re-use them if you'd like (credit is nice but i'f you can't figure out the original author, I totally understand ;).

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