Thursday, October 27, 2016

Endless Vigil Update

The Good: 2 new races: the Muun and Pantoran.
The Bad: 1 duplicate race: the Gand.  The 2 new races are pretty blasé.

The Good: no duplicates. lots of force related talents. All three trees are pretty strong in RP flavor and have some cool powers that will make them fun to play. More than a couple pretty cool new talents.
The Bad: I personally feel like the Racer specialization is completely out of place under the Sentinel career and has no right to be here. I hate every talent that has a conflict cost associated with it (my table ignores conflict costs for knowing powers).

The Good: My City is a pretty cool talent that will prove useful to many who have heavy rp games with lots of figuring things out. Unmatched Vigilance is also a power...
The Bad: My City has some vaugeries that make it odd.  it says 'when in the chosen urban setting' but doesn't specify how you choose a setting or what the options are?  it reads like it means that you choose whatever setting (city/town/village/urban-place) you are currently in... and proceed from there. but since i'm left to assume i choose each time i use the power, it could feel kind of weird to be on a mission and show up at planet X where you have never been and you need some info in city Y (where you have also never been) but you make a good roll and suddenly the city is an open book for you and you apparently know all kinds of crap about it...  it's possible to explain this, but for me, after a time or 2 it would start to feel pretty dumb and very forced.
Unmatched Vigilance has the power to be completely useless (using it on a less important encounter) or completely break the combat depending on what the fights are... one big bad boss?.. better beef that bad boy up to the high heavens if he is going to get a turn. It also seems like the power is designed to encourage the player using it to make the players go last with powers that grant PCs boosts against NPCs that have already gone, and giving NPCs setback against PCs who have NOT gone yet. Unfortunately, the numbers game almost always means that it is unequivocally better for players to go first. When all the players go first they can take out 1 or more baddies before they get to even have a chance to roll those setback dice... or the players can get cover or run away or whatever.. before the baddies practically know whats going on.

The Good: its new? Has lots of commit options which can be circumstantially helpful. If you like to RP a character that has no actual 'skill' but just 'makes things work', this is going to help a lot.
The Bad: Feels like it has no place in this SENTINEL book.. over all the power is VERY weak, and if you want to be good at repairing mechanical things and making them last longer, your XP would be far better spent in a career tree that is designed for it. The "FORCE" part of this does not provide very much that you can't get somewhere else for cheaper. also the actual text in the actual book has a duplicate entry for a talent that the tree only has one of, and an entry for a talent that doesn't appear in the tree at all. The entry that appears in text but not in the tree says that it allows you to use the Manipulate power to 'heal' droids. If this is actually supposed to be there, it would would definitely give the power some real power (maybe too much, and that's why it's not there?). But these errors just show that they really didn't know until the last second how this power was stacking and lining up. It probably should have gone through some more testing, and probably should have been in a different book.

The Good: fair amount of new stuff. a new saber type (crossgaurd), and some new droids.
The Bad: The Lightwhip is all the proof you need that Star Wars is Space Fantasy and not Science Fiction because the Lightwhip will never make any real sense EVER. It's not allowed in my house and shouldn't have been allowed in this book. (this is obviously just my personal opinion, and your welcome to disagree (be wrong) if you like. :P )

The Good: a few decent small shuttles/couriers.
The Bad: Pod Racers.      thats really all i should have to say... but...
pod racers feel like they dont make any sense in a Sentinel book. To make matters worse they are their own special kind of vehicle thingy.. so that its unlikely that normal vehicle mods would work in most cases and the mods for pod racers don't translate to non-pod-racers. making this addition extremely limited..   also, i though that Force and Destiny took place much later in the star wars cannon, where (and maybe i'm wrong about this part) pod racing had kind of lost its popularity (which was debatable to begin with)...

The Good: nice to have urban go getters? and there are some decent hooks and RP material.
The Bad: seems sort of inconsistent at times, making it hard to pin down the role of the career.

The Good: interesting concept that could be worked in as a sort of side-questy thing for some characters.
The Bad: once a solid contact network has been established, it could easily get out of had by providing answers that the GM may not want the party to have yet.  (obviously the GM can just say no, but it always sucks when you know you passed a roll, and still don't get what you want - doubly so when there is a specific game mechanic you have invested in in order to make that exact kind of roll.)

The Good: nice to have more complete rules for this.
The Bad: Technically, all the basics of this were already covered in the beginner adventure thingy, so if you have that, this isn't going to feel nearly as cool.

Over all I'm giving this one a lower rating 5/10
due in large part to the fact that there isn't an over abundance of new stuff and what is here often felt out of place, off theme, and kind of beta.
If it wasn't for the cool Investigator Specialization i would have said 4/10

Updated Sentinel Career tree.


  1. Regarding the new Force power: remember that the Sentinel is the only career in the Force and Destiny core book that had a crafting-related specialization (the Artisan). In that respect, Manipulate completely falls in line with the Sentinel career. Also, the Range improvements allow you to use Mechanics checks from a distance; my last session saw me disabling security cameras and droids from a distance, because I was using my Mechanics check to sabotage them. My experience has found Manipulate far from being under-powered, if you use it creatively.

    Also, the Sentinel is essentially the "Skywalker career." You look at the various specializations, and you can pretty clearly create both Anakin and Luke by only using the Sentinel. A wizard with machines? Artisan and Manipulate, check. Quick podracing and pilot reflexes? Racer, check. Form V lightsaber combat (Anakin and Luke both practiced this)? Shien Expert, check. Career narrative explicitly pointing out that Sentinels are the most likely to let emotions influence them? Check.

    I've been playing the Sentinel in my F&D game, and filling the role as both the party mechanic and resident pseudo-scoundrel (skulduggery, streetwise, and underworld expert). For me—especially with the Lightsaber crafting rules on top of everything else—this book has been downright amazing. "The Jedi Path" (published by Lucasfilm in 2010) has this quote that nicely sums Sentinels up: "The ranks of Jedi Sentinels include investigators, spies, tech specialists, saboteurs, and other experts whose talents don't easily fit into the Order's traditions." I think FFG's materials for the Sentinel (both the Force and Destiny core book and Endless Vigil) have been spot-on in that regard.
