Sunday, January 31, 2016

Keeping The Peace Update

Added all three new Guardian Specializations and the two new signature abilities as well as the new force power Suppress.

no reviews any more.
I don't have a whole lot of time so the reviews got cut. Apologies to anyone who was hoping i'd continue reviewing the books.

The Iktotchi are a pretty neat race though.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Fly Casual Update

better late than never...

It was brought to my attention by Sgt Dan that I apparently never updated the Smuggler trees after Fly Casual was released.

I have remedied this oversight. I updated the Smuggler tree pdf.

I also want everyone out there to know that I will work to update the Guardian Tree sometime soonish. Once I have updated the Guardian trees I will update the full pdf.

also still sorry to those who want me to make Lightsaber or any other skill have a variable base characteristic... I still can't make this work.

my super secret project is still in the works and moving along nicely considering my limited time.