Not sure it's really a super "kit Bash" because all I did was cut out the front, and put some extra pieces of scrap plastics in a couple places, then turn it around and give it a re-paint. Still counts as a custom mod though, so ... eh.
Shuttle Mk 1-A

Mk 1-A because it's my first shuttle and its Armed.
First of all let me thank you for you're excellent work with the Shipyard and everything around it. You're blog truly helped when I first started out with FFG Star Wars. Now I was wondering if it would be possible to get a Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship and the Lucrehulk-class battleship to the Shipyard? I've been waiting for them to show up. I own everything released for all three games but nothing there as of yet. Please help, I think you are my only hope. :D