In addition to enjoying the role play game that FFG has made for the Star Wars universe, I also collect (rarely play) FFGs X-Wing miniatures combat game as well.
During my Roleplay I have gotten occasional use of my Star Wars ships, and in general I get them because they just plain look good.
Well, I happen to dabble in a variety of hobbies including occasional arts and crafts.
Occasionally my various interests are able to line up in a way that makes me extra happy.
Today I'll share my first Star Wars X-Wing game Kit-Bash (when you use pieces from one or more models, in a re-arranged and unique way to create something new)
I Started with 1 Mist Hunter, and 1 K-Wing

I cut them both up, and put the wings, extra engine, and lower turret of the K-Wing on to the Mist Hunter body. There was minimal re-painting needed.
I cut them both up, and put the wings, extra engine, and lower turret of the K-Wing on to the Mist Hunter body. There was minimal re-painting needed.
Feast your eyes upon the Tactical Response Assault Platform (T.R.A.P)

Over all I was Very happy with how this turned out.
Custom Game Stats included.
The Tactical Response Assault Platform is a military patrol boat. The 'Trap' is often sent in as a first responder or back up in potentially dangerous situations. Its hyperdrive and speed capabilities allow it to reach isolated areas or battlefield front lines in record times. It can be refitted relatively quickly with a variety of load-outs in order to fill needed roles. Unfortunately the ship is pretty costly for its size and it's versatile design also make it rather difficult to properly maintain, further adding to its operational cost. As a result of these high costs it is usually only governments and large corporations that can afford to field these ships. Despite the ships high operational costs, many smugglers and pirates are inexorably drawn to its versatility and destructive potential. And where there is demand there will at least occasionally, be supply.
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